- Updated 09/27/2021: The Cave of Worlds section. I've continued to remove
formatting to improve compatibility for mobile
- Updated 08/05/2021: added my book
recommendation document and reviews links to Pete's Non-Game
- Updated 03/29/2020: Redesigned the
front page in an attempt to make it more mobile-friendly.
Also updated the latest Chatter a couple of times.
- Updated 02/03/2020: my Bio - it was long overdue. Also added a new
installation of Chatter,
covering the last eight years. So many changes...
- Added 11/01/2018: Diablo 1 HD Mod: Belzebub. The old classic lives again, and it's
better than ever. Plus it's free!
- Added 09/20/2016: Arcanum Tips. Tips and tricks for one of my favorite
computer RPGs.
- Added 05/29/2016: After twenty-three
years, I've finally posted the video version of The Gamemaster's
Hall of Shame to
- Updated 05/29/2016: Two new sheets
by Jennifer Cooney to the Sheets section - a Pets/Beasts record form,
and a two-page inventory sheet.
- Updated 02/01/2015: Adversary
Reactions To Death in
the Alternate
Rules & Articles
section. I added yet another twenty reactions. We're
up to 80 now!
- Updated 12/18/2014: Adversary
Reactions To Death to
the Alternate
Rules & Articles
section. I added twenty more reactions.
- Updated can.12/18/2014: The Cave of
Worlds campaign blog.
The campaign is over. I made the mistake of
trusting some people who were utterly
untrustworthy. Live and learn! But I'll GM again,
one way or another.
- Added 12/18/2014: Adversary
Reactions To Death to
the Alternate
Rules & Articles
- Updated 10/15/2014: Various links
to Chaosium's Basic Roleplaying.
- Added 11/18/2013: A new section to
Chaos Project,
Advantages and Disadvantages. This is a brand-new
list of ways that characters can be unique, so
here's your chance to get in on the ground floor
and be one of the first people to make an entry!

- Added 11/18/2013: The Skill Pyramid to the Alternate Rules & Articles section.
- Updated 11/11/2013: The Chaos
Project yet again. Just
some tweaks and streamlining. A lot of new
entries have been posted to the new live forms,
so I'll probably update the individual archives
before too much longer.
- Added 11/02/2013: An Interlude to The Cave of Worlds campaign blog. I also updated the
Introduction and Cast of Characters. Plus I also
fixed a problem with the new links to my Google Plus
account. If you want to keep following the
campaign, you should probably do it through my G+.
- Updated 11/02/2013: The Chaos
Project, again. This
time I removed all of the main-body tables
completely. They're really no longer necessary,
the the page may resolve better on mobile devices
this way. I've saved a copy of the old file, of
course, so if it doesn't work out I can restore
- Updated 11/02/2013: The Chaos
Project. I rearranged
the main table to stack it vertically rather than
horizontally; that makes the forms display better,
I hope. Or maybe I should just break each of the
entry forms out onto their own pages. What do you
think? Does anyone read this?

- Added 11/01/2013: Used a Google
Forms to restore a guestbook to
the site.
- Added 11/01/2013: Took a chance
and created forms for all three main sheets of The Chaos
Project. Users should
be able to add their own ideas for magic items,
found items, and chaotic features once again!
- Added 11/01/2013: A Found Items form that I created with Google Documents.
It feeds into a "holding tank" of sorts,
and I can transfer entries easily and in bulk.
Entries can be viewed after they've been
submitted. This is a test, so if you'd like to
try it out I'd appreciate it!
- Updated 10/30/2013: Chaotic
Features. It needed
some clean-up, but it was enough work to make it
worth noting here. I'll probably need to do the
same to the other two sheets.
- Added 10/29/2013: Converting Items
and Effects from RQ to D&D. Whipped this up to help D&D
players make use of some of the more RuneQuest-specific
entries in the Chaos Project.
- Updated 10/29/2013: Bio and The Cave of Worlds. Google gave me a custom URL for my G+ account,
so I'm adding the link.
- Added 10/29/2013: Updated HTML
versions of the current Chaotic
Features and Magic Items from The Chaos Project. I orphaned (but have not yet removed)
the old Chaotic Features archive and the Magic Items archive, as they're now obsolete. I updated The Chaos
Project to reflect the
new changes, of course, and did a bit of touch-up
here and there.
- Added 10/28/2013: An updated HTML
version of Found Items
from The Chaos Project. This one contains the 733 items that
have been listed to date. If anyone can suggest
other formats that would be useful, please do! I
also orphaned the old Chaos Project
Found Items archive, as
it's now redundant. I plan to convert the other
worksheets to HTML, but it's a slow process; I'm
working with software from 1997!
- Updated 10/28/2013: The Chaos
Project. Turned out I'd
missed some dead links. I've fixed that, and
updated it to reflect the newly-updated Found
Item archive.
- Updated 10/19/2013: The main page.
To my shock, the Gmail account that I created
just for this site stopped forwarding mail to my
primary account over five years ago.
FIVE! My apologies to
those who wrote to me and never heard back. I
just assumed nobody cared about RQ any more!
- Added 10/19/2013: The Most
Common Mistakes of New Gamemasters to the Alternate Rules & Articles section.
- Added 10/19/2013: Getting the
Most From Your NPCs to
the Alternate
Rules & Articles
section. You don't have to be a ham to create
memorable NPCs. And they're fun.
- Updated 10/19/2013: The RuneQuest III
Dodge Flaw & Fix.
Okay, "infinitesimal" was too strong. I
hope I've made my point more clearly now.
- Added 10/18/2013: Nothing. Hey, I
missed the site's birthday again! But only by one
day. Say, does anybody read this section? Just
- Added 10/06/2013: The RuneQuest III
Dodge Flaw & Fix to
the Alternate
Rules & Articles
section. I can't believe I never documented this
critical fix here before!
- Added 12/11/2012: The writeup of Session #18 to The Cave of Worlds campaign blog. Odds are good that I won't
be able to post the next session's writeup
tomorrow, but I'll try to get it up soon.
- Added 12/10/2012: The writeup of Session #17 to The Cave of Worlds campaign blog. The saga continues.

- Added 12/09/2012: The writeup of Session #16 to The Cave of Worlds campaign blog. Another from-scratch
writeup, written from memory more than a year
after the session.
- Added 12/08/2012: The writeup of Session #15 to The Cave of Worlds campaign blog. I had to write this one
from scratch, because I didn't do it at the time!
Just barely got it posted before midnight Eastern
Standard Time, too. The daily posting streak
continues for another day!
- Added 12/07/2012: The (skimpy)
writeup of Session #13 - 14 to The Cave of Worlds campaign blog. Also updated the Cast of
Characters. And the
main page, slightly.
- Added 12/06/2012: The writeup of Session #12 to The Cave of Worlds campaign blog. I fear that I will soon
run into a roadblock on these writeups; I'm
pretty sure that I had a long dry spell in terms
of actually writing the sessions up at some
- Added 12/05/2012: The writeup of Session #11 to The Cave of Worlds campaign blog. *yawn*
- Added 12/04/2012: The writeup of Session #10 to The Cave of Worlds campaign blog. Hey, this makes it one
whole week of daily updates!
- Added 12/03/2012: The writeup of Session #9 to The Cave of Worlds campaign blog. Sheer stubborness is
keeping me going. Come to think of it, that's all
that's been keeping this site going for 17 years

- Added 12/02/2012: The writeup of Session #8 to The Cave of Worlds campaign blog. Ran the game today; this
session is going to be hell to write up!
- Added 12/01/2012: The writeup of Session #7 to The Cave of Worlds campaign blog. Had to create this from
memory, as I apparently never wrote it up at the
time. I won't be writing up every
missing session; just those that are necessary to
bridge the gaps and keep the story clear.
- Added 11/30/2012: The writeup of Session #6 to The Cave of Worlds campaign blog. I can't believe that I've
updated every day for three days now! Is this a
record? Can I keep this up? Is anyone actually reading
any of this? I have no idea!
- Added 11/29/2012: The writeup of Session #5 to The Cave of Worlds campaign blog. Also, I finally gave in
and changed the old runic background of the site.
After 17 years, I guess it was time. I know that
the site's design is still very
old and stale, though, so if anyone has any
suggestions, please email
- Added 11/28/2012: The campaign
blog of The Cave of Worlds, a multi-genre campaign that I've been
running for two years now. Sessions 2-4 have been
posted; I'll convert and add additional session
writeups frequently, if possible (converting old
writeups takes time!).
- Removed 11/28/2012: Quizzes and
Polls. Since the webservices they were based have
been long gone, they were dead links anyway.
- Added October 11, 2012: Sheetless
Roleplaying, to the Articles section. It took me 25 years to write!
Also, I faded the background a bit more - the old
background image made the article hard to read.
- Added September 27, 2012: Con Survival 101:
How To Survive A Science Fiction Convention, to the Articles
- Added September 11, 2012: Two New
RuneQuest III Sorcery Skills: Speedcast and
Multitarget, to the Articles section.
- Updated April 9, 2012: Rogue Made Easy. Essentially a replay of the same
mistakes I fixed on 12/22/11, except in this case
it wasn't the image files that were stored on my
defunct Cox server space, but instead the Rogue
executable. Once again I was saved by the Wayback
Machine, which had copies of the executable and
batch files cached. Thanks again, Wayback Machine!
- Updated March 6, 2012: The Sheets section. Added a RuneQuest III sorcerer's
character sheet, updated several of the more
popular sheets, and added ODT (Open Office)
versions as well. I removed the ZIPped version,
because the difference in size between the zipped
and unzipped versions is no longer worth the
trouble in these days of broadband!
- Updated March 6, 2012: Chatter #86. Lots to tell.
- Updated December 22, 2011: Rogue Made Easy. For some reason I had stored the
images for this one page on my Cox.net server
space. But we recently switched from Cox to FIOS,
and Cox took down the images. Unfortunately I
didn't have any surviving copies on my system,
but luckily the Wayback Machine had copies cached.
Thanks, Wayback Machine!
- Updated August 13, 2011: RuneQuest News, The History of RuneQuest, and the current Chatter. Mainly cleaning up. The +1 button for
Google Plus worked; if you feel like using it,
please do!
- Updated July 29, 2011: Attempted
to add a Google Plus +1 button to the main page.
Will it work? Let's find out!
- Updated July 18, 2011: RuneQuest News, The History of RuneQuest, and the current Chatter. There have been so many changes lately,
both for RuneQuest and for me! Plus there's
something big in the works.
- Updated June 17, 2011: Links. More link fixes and some deletions.
Also some edits to What Is RuneQuest?.
- Updated June 17, 2011: RuneQuest News, The History of RuneQuest, and the current Chatter. I've fixed and removed quite a few
links, and added updates about the end of
Mongoose RuneQuest.
- Updated January 7, 2011: Links. Updated a few, and cleaned out many
more; some really good sites have gone dark over
the years.
- Updated January 6, 2011: Chatter #86. Two Years Later...
- Updated January 14, 2009: The main
page layout, a bit. The table structure was a bit
too clunky, and it didn't look right, so I redid
the banner and simplified things a little; I
think it looks better. What do you think?
- Updated January 13, 2009: The History of
RuneQuest. A long-overdue
revision to reflect recent developments for RQ/BRP/D100.
- Added January 13, 2009:
Interregnum #21 Editorial and The Log That Flies
#21 to Zines section.
Annotated 01/13/09.
- Changed January 12, 2009: Banner
logo. The old one was just too old. Rather than
take the time to create one, I used the online CoolText Graphics Generator.
- Added January 12, 2009:
Interregnum #20 Editorial and The Log That Flies
#20 to Zines section.
Annotated 10/20/08.
- Updated January 6, 2009: Chatter #86. I'm doing a RuneQuest panel at the
Arisia convention in Cambridge, MA, January 16-19.
And oh yes, the site has now been online for TWELVE
- Site and server hacked multiple
times between October - December 2008. It should
all be fixed and secure now, though.
- Added October 17, 2008:
Interregnum #19 Editorial and The Log That Flies
#19 to Zines section.
Annotated 10/17/08.
- Updated October 17, 2008: Chatter #86. A short installment. Recovering nicely.
- Updated September 11, 2008: - Chatter #86. A new installment; I've broken my
- Added September 11, 2008:
Interregnum #18 Editorial and The Log That Flies
#18 to Zines section.
Annotated 09/11/08.
- Added August 20, 2008: Interregnum
#17 Editorial and The Log That Flies #17 to Zines section. Annotated 08/20/08. Also,
fixed the links for the last several zines.
- Added August 18, 2008: Interregnum
#16 Editorial and The Log That Flies #16 to Zines section. Annotated 08/18/08.
- Added August 14, 2008: Interregnum
#15 Editorial and The Log That Flies #15 to Zines section. Annotated 08/14/08. The 200th
- Added August 11, 2008: Interregnum
#14 Editorial and The Log That Flies #14 to Zines section. Annotated 08/11/08.
- Added August 6, 2008: Interregnum
#13 Editorial and The Log That Flies #13 to Zines section. Annotated 08/06/08.
- Added August 5, 2008: Interregnum
#12 Editorial and The Log That Flies #12 to Zines section. Annotated 08/05/08.
- Added August 1, 2008: Interregnum
#2, the complete issue, to Zines section. Thanks again to Joe Teller and
Kiralee McCauley for the scan!
- Added July 31, 2008: Interregnum #11
Editorial and The Log That Flies #11 to Zines section. Annotated 07/31/08.
- Updated July 22, 2008: - Chatter #86. A new installment; I've received the
new multi-genre Basic Roleplaying from
- Added July 22, 2008: Interregnum #10
Editorial and The Log That Flies #10 to Zines section. Annotated 07/22/08.
- Added July 21, 2008: Interregnum #1,
the complete issue, to Zines section. Thanks to Joe Teller and
Kiralee McCauley for the scan, and thanks to
Curtis Taylor for providing a copy of this rare
- Added July 21, 2008: Interregnum #9
Editorial and The Log That Flies #9 to Zines section. Annotated 07/21/08.
- Updated July 18, 2008 - Chatter #86. A new installment, with a small
redesign to make it easier to read. And what the
heck, I applied the same fix to this Site History
page, too. Do you like it? Is anyone reading this

- Added July 18, 2008: Rack &
Rune #22 (first published July 1994; the final
issue) to the Zines section.
A scanned PDF, with extensive annotations made on
- Added July 18, 2008: Rack &
Rune #21 (first published April 1994) to the Zines section. A scanned PDF, with extensive
annotations made on 07/18/2008.
- Added July 17, 2008: Rack &
Rune #20 (first published February 1994) to the Zines section. A scanned PDF, with extensive
annotations made on 07/17/2008.
- Added July 16, 2008 - Chatter #86. This will be an ongoing Chatter page,
where I'll write about site-related stuff. When
it gets too big, I'll put an end-date on it,
archive it for your reading pleasure, and start
Chatter #87. Creating a separate Chatter page for
each entry was kind of killing me!
- Updated July 16, 2008: Chatter. It's time to make some changes.
- Updated July 16, 2008: The Chaos
Project. Removed dead
Alxnet links, added sneak preview link to new BRP
version (not yet fully functional, but all
entries can be viewed). The full version should
be available soon!
- Added July 16, 2008: Rack &
Rune #19 (first published November 1993) to the Zines section. A scanned PDF (31 pages long!),
with extensive annotations made on 07/16/2008.
- Added July 14, 2008: Interregnum
stuff, including IR #16 front cover, IR #1 table
of contents, & the Interregnum FAQ. To the Zines section, of course. Annotated 07/14/2008.
- Added July 14, 2008: Interregnum #8
Editorial and The Log That Flies #8 to Zines section. Annotated 07/2008.
- Revised July 11, 2008: The Quizzes &
Polls page. They're all
broken, and the service that provides them cannot
be emailed. I need suggestions for replacements!
- Added July 11, 2008: Rack &
Rune #18 (first published September 1993) to the Zines section. A scanned PDF, with extensive
annotations made on 07/11/2008.
- Added July 10, 2008: Babble-On 5 #1
(first published February 1995) to the Zines section. A scanned PDF, with extensive
annotations made on 07/09/2008. My one
contribution to an APA for the TV show Babylon
5. I'd totally forgotten I'd ever written
such a thing.
- Updated July 9, 2008: The Guestbook. It was broken anyway, so I've replaced
it with a mail link until I can find a
- Added July 9, 2008: Rack &
Rune #17 supplement Rack & Rune Guest
Columnist: Lois F. (first published July
1993) to the Zines section.
A scanned PDF by Lois F.
- Added July 9, 2008: Rack &
Rune #17 (first published July 1993) to the Zines section. A scanned PDF, with extensive
annotations made on 07/09/2008.
- Added July 8, 2008: A Brief
Introduction to Live Roleplaying, to the Articles
- Added July 8, 2008: Rack &
Rune #14 (first published February 1993) to the Zines section. A scanned PDF, with extensive
annotations made on 07/08/2008.
- Added July 7, 2008: Rack &
Rune #13 supplement A Visit From A/K/A Dara
(first published January 1993) to the Zines section. A scanned PDF by Lois F.
- Added July 7, 2008: Rack &
Rune #13 (first published January 1993) to the Zines section. A scanned PDF, with extensive
annotations made on 07/07/2008.
- Added July 2, 2008: Rack &
Rune #12 (first published November 1992) to the Zines section. A scanned PDF, with extensive
annotations made on 07/02/2008.
- Added July 1, 2008: Rack &
Rune #11(first published October 1992) to the Zines section. A scanned PDF, with extensive
annotations made on 07/01/2008.
- Added June 30, 2008: Rack &
Rune #9 and #10 (first published July &
September 1992) to the Zines section. They're scanned PDFs, with
extensive annotations made on 06/30/2008. Now
that I have a scanner, more old zines will be
- Revised June 30, 2008: Zines. I modified the layout heavily in order
to make it a little more logical, since I've
started adding old zines to it again.
- Updated June 25, 2008 - Martial Arts
house rules by Sven
Lugar, RuneQuest News, What Is Roleplaying?, What Is RuneQuest?,
- Updated August 16, 2007 - The Chaos
Project. I added a
direct link to the complete archive (including
current entries) as a Google document, pending
the creation of the new Chaos Project on the D100
- Deleted August 16, 2007 - main
page link to RuneQuest Con Online. It never really worked out. I'll leave
the Con page itself up for now, though.
- Updated August 6, 2007 - The History of
RuneQuest, RuneQuest News, What Is RuneQuest?, What Is Roleplaying?, The Chaos Project, main
page. I had some spare
time, and updates were badly needed.
- Added August 6, 2007 - Martial Arts
house rules by Sven
- March 28, 2007 - Left Fuitadnet.com.
More to come.
- Updated October 16, 2006: Front
page. I started the site ten years ago today. I'd
hoped to write up that new adventure in time for
today, but there wasn't time. I'll try to do it
by the weekend.
- Added September 26, 2006 - RuneQuest News, with the latest info about the state
of RQ. This is currently a copy of "The
State of RuneQuest Now", but I'll update it
as needed. I'll add a link to the front page
sidebar the next time I do an update, too.
- Added September 6, 2006 - Chatter #85, The State of RuneQuest Now.
- Updated September 6, 2006 - The History of
RuneQuest, to reflect
the recent publication of Mongoose RQ.
- Updated September 6, 2006 -
changed some instances of old contact address to
new webmaster address, [email protected] . I'll change it on other pages as time
goes by; there are a lot of changes to make. Also,
updated News section on main page.
- August 15, 2006 - It's been a
while, hasn't it? I've regretfully decided to
delete the RuneQuest Classified forum, since it
has been completely hijacked by spammers. It wasn't
really being used much anyway.
- July 16, 2005 - April 26, 2006:
UNKNOWN-LOST. The entire site was deleted from my
host's servers. It was later restored from an old
backup. My webhost, Fuitadnet.com, has not yet
offered an explanation. Some files seem to be
from a newer version of the site, but at this
point the extent of damage is unknown. I am
recovering my own backup files from multiple
- Revised July 16, 2005: The History of
RuneQuest, and Articles. Cosmetic improvements on the first,
and a much-needed clean-up on the second. Plus I
added a link to the History from the Articles
section; it feels wrong to leave that sitting on
the front page sidebar only, considering the
amount of work I've put in on it lately. Oh, and
I added a fancy new color bar that I just created
- it's in the History.
- Revised July 15, 2005: The History of
RuneQuest. Fixing typos,
clarifying text, deleting a rant, that sort of
- Added July 15, 2005: Button links
on main page to skotos.net and rpg.net in order
to receive free advertising. Yes, I feel a little
bit like a whore...but only a little.
- Added July 15, 2005: RuneQuest
Settings quiz to Quizzes and Polls.
- Revised July 15, 2005: The History of
RuneQuest. Will I ever
be able to stop? Seriously, I put in some
substantial editing on this one, and added more
information. I also moved the listing for the
article above the defunct wiki listing in the
- Revised July 14, 2005: The History of
RuneQuest. I couldn't
resist doing that rewrite. Since there were so
many changes, I kept a link to the previous
version at the end of the article.
- Updated July 13, 2005: What Is
RuneQuest? and The History of
RuneQuest. These were
fairly major revisions. A complete rewrite of the
History will probably be needed soon.
- Fixed July 12, 2005: a glitch in
the site guestbook and the sections of the Chaos
Project that kept responses from being emailed to
me. Go figure, I thought nobody was writing in
them any more...now I have lots of responses to
catch up on.
- Updated July 12, 2005: Voting Page. Corrected some links. I really need to
figure out a way to restore the wiki data soon.
- Updated April 24, 2005: Links. Cleaned out some dead ones, and killed
a few who no longer deserve the honor of a link
from this site.

- Added April 24, 2005: Link to
Issaries' legalese.
- Deleted February 25, 2005: The
RuneQuest Wiki, due to unrelenting spam
attacks. All data
has been saved and will be restored in a secure
wiki ASAP.
- Updated February 11, 2005: Bio (including some long-overdue
corrections), & my AccessDenied.Net
Gamer Database Profile.
- Added February 2nd, 2005: Chatter #84, the Arisia 2005 Con Report.
- Restored November 3rd, 2004: Links
to old/new Guestbook, Chaos Project. The Alxnet modifications finally went
- Added October 25, 2004: New Guestbook, Chaos Project. Links to legacy entries from old books
are still available. When/if the legacy boards
disappear (
Alxnet sucks, by the way),
I will find a way to post the archives - all data
has been saved, so nothing will be lost.
- Added September 30, 2004: Chatter #83. Tidying Up, & RuneQuest Reborn!
Also added link to my LiveJournal from main
Chatter page.
- Added August 27, 2004: RQ
Classified, a forum for
RQ/DBRP content creators to find and work with
each other.
- Changed August 23, 2004: The main
page. Specifically, I added a link to Chaosium,
and references to Basic Roleplaying and Deluxe
Basic Roleplaying. Might as well add them to my
search-engine mix, now that RQ and BRP are
becoming one...
- Updated August 3, 2004: The
History of RuneQuest,
reflecting recent good news from Chaosium.
- Added August 3, 2004: Three new
character sheets by Toby Partridge to the Sheets section.
- Changed August 3, 2004: Replaced
Word document of Basic RQ Booklet work-in-progress with HTML version,
considerably expanded (but no, not finished).
- Updated August 3, 2004: Links
section. Removed RuneQuest.net (R.I.P.) and added
Toby Partridge site.
- Added July 30, 2004: Links to Chaosium (how
did I miss that?) and the Colchis Group in the Links section. I may add a new
installation of Chatter soon, since there's some
RuneQuest-specific stuff to talk about. Not
tracked on this history page are changes to the
RQ Wiki, which is nonetheless hosted on this site,
and (of course) the Chaos Project. And of course
my journal is where I ramble about the personal
and political stuff that used to fill up the
Chatter section. Please note that some personal
posts are only available to LiveJournal users who
are on my friends list.
- Changed April 29, 2004: The link
to the RuneQuest Wiki.
- Added April 13, 2004: The RuneQuest Wiki. An online encyclopedia of all things
RuneQuest. And anyone can write, edit, or comment
on entries!
- Moved sometime around March 9-11,
2004: the entire site, to a new host. It's a long
story; check my LiveJournal
for details.
- Fixed broken link to Basic
Role-Playing at Chaosium's site. Thanks
to Steve S. for pointing out the break!
- Added February 19, 2004: Rogue Made Easy to the Articles section. Includes the
game itself and useful information. Just to show
that I'm not dead, even if my computer is.

- Added February 3, 2004: Introductory Fan
Web Design.
- Added September 9, 2003: Chatter #82. Lots of stuff on the new blog, which has absorbed some of the
functions of Chatterbut not of the
site as a whole, which will continue as
- Added August 11, 2003: Chatter #81. RQ Con Online Page, New Blog. The
shortest Chatter ever!
- Added August 11, 2003: RuneQuest Con
Online page (linked
from main page sidebar). Coming soon!
- Added August 8, 2003: Rack &
Rune #8 (first published May 1992) to the Zines section. Includes a ton of articles,
but the two most interesting are probably "My
First Time" (about my first GMing experience),
and an extensive writeup of the awful "Foundation
& Destiny" LARP which was run at Arisia
'92. For some reason I buried that writeup in the
Comments section.
- Removed August 5, 2003: The
counter, since the former provider is now insane
enough to expect me to pay for it. FREE THE WEB!

- Added July 23 2003: Chatter #80. RuneQuest Con Online #1, I Blog,
Sebastian, Traitor!?
- Added June 30, 2003: Chatter #79. Grief and Lots of It, Good Morning
World, Space Screed, NPCs, Net Books
- Added June 19, 2003: Interregnum #7
Editorial and The Log That Flies #7 to Zines section. Annotated 06/19/2003. Includes
"Roleplaying As Art", FBI Raids Tri-Tac,
a generic 5-page scenario: "The Ice Ruins",
an original short story "In the Box",
- Updated June 17, 2003: Links. Put up the new Space Moose archive
link. I saved Space Moose! Well, sort of. Also
deleted PVP, and added links to Kev's RQ
character generator and alt.humor.best-of-usenet.
- Added June 13, 2003: Chatter #78. Includes Germans?, Vote Bloat, Lilacs,
SuperBaby, Spam, 2 Great Stories & an RQ3
Generator, "Babar and His Enemies",
"Letter to My Future Self".
- Updated May 21, 2003: The Vote! section. Added a couple of new links
and one old one.
- Updated May 20, 2003: Rack &
Rune #7, in the Zines section.
Leafing through my rediscovered hard copies, I
found an additional page that had been left off.
It has been converted, annotated, and added to
the file.
- Added May 20, 2003: Interregnum #6
Editorial (Factsheet 5 Sucks!) and The
Log That Flies #6 to Zines section.
Annotated. Includes TSR vs. the Net, The Two
Steves (Steve Jackson vs. White Wolf, with SJ's
permission), The World's Shortest RQ Scenario,
Wonder (a very cool RPG campaign concept),
and comments, comments, comments.
- Added May 19, 2003: Rack &
Rune #6 (first published March 1992) to the Zines section. Includes tons of comments,
Propaganda Warning!, Experience, Nereyon:
Recapitulation II, and HeroQuesting. I'll be
adding some TLTF's next.
- Updated May 16, 2003: Links.
Deleted CompleteRPG link (they've gone dormant),
updated Ultimate RQ GMs link (moved).
- Added April 30, 2003: Chatter #77. Includes Life Sucks (RPG Gateway,
Group, Car), Joyride (I Saw the Film), Sebastian's
- Added April 25, 2003: Interregnum
#5 Editorial and The Log That Flies #5 to Zines section. Annotated. Includes An
Introduction to Live Roleplaying, "Human
Nature", Scenario Hooks 2, and a negative
review of the movie "The Mask".
- Updated April 18, 2003: A lot of
minor stuff. Added a few links to the Links page,
small updates to my Bio and the "What Is RQ?"
and "History of RQ" articles, and
corrected/updated links here and there. A little
spring cleaning. Lots in the works, but no time
- Added April 9, 2003: Rack &
Rune #5 (first published 01/1992) to the Zines section. Includes an Arisia 1991 Con
report, The IFGS, comments aplenty including
Death and Romance in roleplaying, Pat Robertson
on Gaming (I saw an "expose" on the 700
Club), a review of Amber Diceless, Gargoyles (a
store), and Zanzibar, aka Bastard Prince Charlie,
my unfortunate character for the IFGS.
- Added April 4, 2003: Rack &
Rune #4 (first published 11/91) to the Zines section. Includes a LOT of RuneQuest
speculation and advice, a review of the mega-scenario
Horror On The Orient Express for Call of Cthulhu,
Gaming with a Temperature, the MATTMARK disaster,
comments aplenty, and an introduction to the long-running
sheetless Nereyon campaign.
- Updated April 4, 2003: Pete's Non-Game
Favorites. The site
that used to host the draft version of A
Bridge of Birds has disappeared into the
aether, but fortunately I'd copied all the text
of the novel into Word, and found the backupwhich
I've converting into Acrobat and have posted with my
- Added April 3, 2003: Rack &
Rune #3 (first published 10/91) to the Zines section. Includes RQ III Fixes, RQ III
Character Design, The Death of First Comics,
Draconic Effects Errata, RQ3 Magic Point
Regeneration Table, and Alternate RQ3 Slash/Crush/Impale
rules. Do you think I was into RuneQuest at the
I was going to wait and
put this up in a week, but my first shot at a
roleplaying session in five years
just fell through and the group seems to have
folded, so what the hell. This seems to be as
much roleplaying as I'll ever get to do in this
life. I'm so goddamned pissed off...
- Added April 2, 2003: Rack &
Rune #1 (from 1991!) to the Zines section. Actually it was added twice:
one is a scan of the original, virtually
unreadable zine, and the other is a retyped DTPed
version. The DTPed version is annotated, and
includes my self-introduction, some of my gaming
history, and a poster for (and the concept behind)
a roleplaying concept/club I came up with.
- Added March 31, 2003: Interregnum
#4 Editorial and The Log That Flies #4 to Zines section. Annotated. Includes "Technology",
5 Encounters, a review of Dragon's Lair on CD.
And comments aplenty, of course. Yahoo! I've
found 22 more zines to post!
- Added March 28, 2003: Chatter #76, including Birthday greetings, An Empty
War-Head, RPG Gateway to Hell, Life, Group,
Prodigal Zines. Plus I added a new magic item to The Chaos
Project recently.
- Updated February 19, 2003: Links (added links to new RQ Chat and Forum - if anyone's bored enough to want to
chat with me, there's a decent chance I'll be
- Added January 31, 2003: Chatter #75, including A Momentary Loss of
Consciousness, Arisia 2003 Part 2, Sites Nuked-Effie
Glitched?, Cold, Odds & Ends, and The Lord of
the Ringers 3
- Added January 24, 2003:
Interregnum #3 Editorial and The Log That Flies #3
to Zines section. Annotated. Includes The Jungle
(my idea for a cool LARP), Star Trek: The Last
Generation, Nothing But Net (my guesses on the
future of RQ online), Review of The Primal
Order - Chessboards: The Planes of Possibility,
Dreams, The Old Thing (an original story
by yours truly), and comments aplenty.
- Added January 20, 2003: Chatter #74, including photos from Arisia 2003 and
"RuneQuest, Oh No!" (bad news on the RQ
front). For some reason I failed to include any
of this on this page at the time, so I'm
correcting the record now.
- Added January 15, 2003: Bar Wars, the long-lost original humorous
version of the Party Origin Stories article.
- Updated January 8, 2003: Links (added Epimetheus/Charibdis' new blog).
- Added January 8, 2003: Chatter #73, including Lord of the Ringers 2,
Strange Forgotten Corners, Sebastian 11/7/2003,
and more.
- Added December 31, 2002: Chatter #72, including a cranky review of The
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
- Added December 27, 2002: A Message to
Spammers and Chatter #71. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
to all! Except the Bush Junta, of course.
- Added December 12, 2002:
Interregnum #2 Editorial and The Log That Flies #2,
my zine from that issue. Annotated as always.
- Added November 30, 2002: The Gamemaster's
Hall of Shame. Happy
post-Thanksgiving, and my serious condolences to
all Native Americans.
- Added November 27, 2002: Chatter #70. Also the working draft of RQ for D&Ders.
- Added October 17, 2002: Chatter #69:
Site Update, Sebastian's Birthday, etc. As of tomorrow this site will
officially be six years old. In Web years that's
like being a 52-year-old.
- Updated October 16, 2002: Links.
More to come.
- Updated October 10, 2002: The World
Tree again (!), with 5
MORE new adventure ideas by Alexander.
- Updated October 9, 2002: The World
Tree, with 5 new
adventure ideas by Alexander Wallis. I have a lot
of stuff in the works right now, if I can only
find the time to write it up!
- Updated September 30, 2002: HTML Help (I improved the Magic Items template).
Also added a link to a new version of the DFC archive to
the Miscellaneous section of the Links page, as well as a link to a copy of
SiteSnagger, which is a useful tool that
downloads websites to your hard drive for

- Added September 24, 2002: The World
Tree, a scenario/campaign
setting by Alexander Wallis. Also 5-page
character sheets for RQ3 in A4 and US letter
sizes, by Lasse Hjelmervik Rasmussen & John
Aadnoey (in the Character Sheets section, of course). Say, have you
noticed that I've started to include direct links
to updated material from this page lately? I
thought it might be more convenient for long-time
readers. What do you think?
- Added September 23, 2002:
Interregnum #1 Editorial and The Log That Flies #1
to Zines section. Annotated, of course.
- Updated September 19, 2002: Links.
I've also added some largish chunks of material
to the Chaos Project recently.
- Added September 13, 2002: Chatter #68:
Letter to Congress, I, Cassandra, That Damn Lathe!
- Added September 11, 2002: Chatter
#67: The Wolf, Sneak Preview, The Towers, Lathe
of Heaven, Strider Sebastian, New Stuff
- Added September 5, 2002: Chatter #66:
New Old Material, Hits, Chaos A-Go-Go, Chaos NPCs?,
Re-Org?,Handy Windows Tips, Sebastian Update,
Vinegar Cake recipe, What The?, RQ Addicts,
Collaborators, Blog. Yes, it's too big. Sorry.
Hey, this is the 100th update of this page!
- Added August 27, 2002: The Book, an almost-bare-bones scenario to
Scenarios. Also some minor updating here and
- Added August 21, 2002: RuneQuest
Creatures Tables to Alternate Rules &
Articles section. Couldn't think of a better
place to put it.
- Added August 21, 2002: Zine
Without A Name #2 to Old Game Zines (aka Rack
& Rune) section. Also, complete update of Old
Game Zines. Also-also inserted superior link to
RPG Library for voting.
- Updated August 16, 2002: Link to
new location of DFC in Chatter #12. Check it out before the lawyers do!
- Updated August 14, 2002: The
History of RuneQuest (minor editing and updates,
including the new BRP and SPQR).
- Updated August 12, 2002: Link to
Tony's & Garyth's RuneQuest Page.
- Added August 2, 2002: Legendary
Thunder Horse, a new scenario by Evan W.
- Added July 22, 2002: Chatter #65.
- Added June 19, 2002: Link to Basic
Role-Playing core rules in the "What Is
RuneQuest?" section.
- Updated June 18, 2002: Pete's Non-Game
Favorites. Corrected link to Kim, added
two other e-text links.
- Updated June 9, 2002: Pete's Non-Game
Favorites. Added a link to an online version of
Kipling's Kim, a wonderful book.
- Added June 6, 2002: Rack &
Rune #7, a roleplaying zine from April 1992.
- Updated June 6, 2002: Fixed Sheets
hyperlink error.
- Updated June 3, 2002: Main page.
Added goofy face logo, fixed Gold Wyrm Award gif
- Added May 31, 2002: Hyperlinked
Table of Contents to Pete's Non-Game Favorites,
for easier navigation.
- Added May 30, 2002: Review of Superstoe
to Pete's Non-Game Favorites.
- Added May 30, 2002: RQ2 chart
sheets to the Sheets section. Also, completely
redesigned section.
- Updated May 30, 2002: Links
- Updated May 30, 2002: Chatter
- Added May 8, 2002: Zine Without A
Name #1, to the Rack & Rune section (now
renamed "Old Game Zines").
- Updated April 20, 2002: Links
- Updated April 15, 2002: Chatter
- Updated April 4, 2002: Vote!
Updated Effie Rover vote link.
- Updated April 1, 2002: Chatter,
plus added 7 new scenarios. Sorry, April Fool -
no scenarios.

- Updated March 27, 2002: Chatter
- Updated March 1, 2002: Chatter (Poisoned
and Clubbed in the Head)
- Updated January 31, 2002: Chatter,
History of RQ (updated RuneQuest-Rules URL &
added Working Basic RQ link).
- Added January 24, 2002: The
Further Adventures of the Grey Company by
Alexander Wallis.
- Updated January 24, 2002:
Scenarios, The Grey Company (minor).
- Updated January 23, 2002: Chatter.
A promotional flyer.
- Updated January 18, 2002: Chatter.
- Updated January 3, 2002: Chatter.
Happy New Year!
- Updated December 27, 2001: Chatter.
- Updated December 17, 2001: Chatter.
- Updated December 14, 2001: Chatter.
Now separated into 53 entries by date.
- Updated December 10, 2001: Chatter.
Porno Panic, Monday Madness!
- Updated December 4, 2001: Chatter.
Now with digital photo!
- Updated November 19, 2001: Chatter.
Rogue (downloadable game!), etc. etc.
- Updated November 5, 2001: Chatter.
JSM and Diablo ramblings.
- Updated October 30, 2001: Chatter.
I am so tired.
- Updated October 17, 2001: Chatter:
Birth Special. John Sebastian has arrived!!
- Updated October 4, 2001: Chatter.
John Sebastian is on the way!
- Updated October 2, 2001: Chatter.
- Updated September 24, 2001: Art,
- Updated September 15, 2001:
- Updated September 13, 2001:
Chatter. I survived the operation!
- Updated September 10, 2001:
- Updated September 10, 2001:
Alternate Rules. Now includes game design
articles, since I needed a place to add the
"Party Origin Stories" article back to
the site.
- Updated September 7, 2001: Chatter,
- Updated September 5, 2001: Chatter,
Vote!, main page (added RPG Library vote box),
continuing work on the Basic RQ document.
- Updated August 31, 2001: Chatter,
continuing work on the Basic RQ document.
- Updated August 29, 2001: Non-Game
- Updated August 27, 2001: Main page
(added direct voting box for the Die-Rollers Top
50), Chatter, Links.
- Updated August 26, 2001: Chatter
and Links.
- Added (sort of) August 25, 2001:
Chatter Archives. Chatter got too big (basically
too much text), so I had to split it in half.
- Updated August 25, 2001: Main page
(added GameScanner award), Chatter.
- Added August 24, 2001: Working
copy of Basic RuneQuest booklet. Want to help me
write it?
- Updated August 24, 2001: The
History of RuneQuest, Chatter.
- Updated August 21, 2001: The
History of RuneQuest, Chatter.
- Updated August 16, 2001: The
History of RuneQuest, Chatter.
- Updated August 15, 2001: The
History of RuneQuest. And heavily expanded.
- Added August 14, 2001: The History
of RuneQuest. Updated: Chatter. After a lapse I've
also added some new material to the Chaos
Prooject, and I'm very glad to see that
I'm not the only one! Thanks, everybody!
- Updated August 14, 2001: Links.
Fixed some odd glitches.
- Added August 13, 2001: Places to
vote for the site (from main page). Updated:
Chatter. I cleaned up the Chaos Project entries a
bit. Also, added something to Write or Wrong but
had a crash and lost it. No big deal, though.
- Updated August 8, 2001: Chatter.
- Updated August 6, 2001: Chatter.
Added: something sort of secret.
- Updated August 5, 2001: Chatter.
- Updated July 30, 2001: Chatter.
- Updated July 26, 2001: Chatter,
Links. Also, maintenance performed on The Chaos
Project and the guestbook.
- Updated July 25, 2001: Chatter.
Includes preview of main map for Fear The
- Updated July 20, 2001: Chatter.
- Updated July 18, 2001: Links, Non-Game
- Updated July 17, 2001: Chatter,
- Added July 14, 2001: A second
RuneQuest Quiz to Quizzes & Polls section.
- Updated July 11, 2001: Chatter.
Lots of Chatter.
- Added July 9, 2001: Gold Wyrm
award to main page. Meta tags updated.
- Updated July 4, 2001: Chatter.
Happy 4th of July!
- Updated July 2, 2001: Chatter. I
have been hit.
- Added June 28, 2001: HTML Help
page, for use with The Chaos Project.
- Added June 27, 2001: Rack &
Rune #16, in the "Rack & Rune"
- Updated June 20, 2001: Links,
Chatter, Chaos Project Magic Item Archive.
- Updated June 4, 2001: Links.
- Added June 1st, 2001: Rack &
Rune #15, in the "Rack & Rune"
- Updated May 30, 2001: "Vote!"
on main page.
- Updated May 21, 2001: Chatter,
Links. For some reason links were not opening in
a new page. Now they are again. Huh.
- Updated May 11, 2001: Chatter
- Updated May 9, 2001: Links,
- Updated April 12, 2001: Chatter (scenario
- Updated April 11, 2001: Sheets (missing
NPC files restored), Links (links now open in new
- Updated April 11, 2001: Links (broken
link fixed, RQ links added).
- Back April 11,
2001. Updated: Chatter (with an explanation of
what happened).
- DOWN (domain loss) March
30th, 2001 through April 10th, 2001! ARGHHHHH!
- Updated March 29, 2001: Chatter,
Main Page (cosmetic adjustments).
- Updated March 27, 2001: Chatter.
- Added March 27, 2001: Four Polls.
Updated: Quizzes & Polls section.
- Updated March 22, 2001: The Chaos
Project. A full redesign of the entry page. Also
updated all icons.
- Updated March 21, 2001: Bio. Added
(and split off from Bio): Pete's Non-Game
- Updated March 19, 2001: Chatter
- Added March 19, 2001: Pete's
RuneQuest Quiz! #1, more to come!
- Added March 16, 2001: Chaos
Project Archives. Updated: The Chaos Project (new
host). The Chaos Project is now hosted by Alxnet,
which doesn't even require banners. All old
material has been archived, and is available on
the Chaos Project page.
- Added March 15, 2001: Guestbook
Archives. Updated: Guestbook. MyComputer is
discontinuing all free services, and they can
bite me. The guestbook has been arcchived and is
starting anew on a free service that doesn't even
require banner ads. Chaos Project archiving and
transition is in the works.
- Updated November 30, 2000: Chatter,
Bio (new authors & books)
- Added November 14, 2000: What Is
RuneQuest? Includes AD&D/RQ link.
- Added November 4, 2000: What Is
Roleplaying? essay. Updated: Bio.
- Added October 22, 2000: Blood Omen,
an AD&D module by Alexander Wallis
- Updated October 20-22, 2000:
Everything again. Main page redesigned, old menu
bar on all non-game HTML pages replaced with
runic bar-table navigation, content on many pages
updated and in some cases expanded. Also added:
Useful Links, Bio, Site History.
- Updated October 12, 2000:
Everything. I went through every HTML file and
removed every reference to TIAC. My old URLs, old
email, everything. In the process I also updated
some very old and clunky HTML.
- Updated frequently during this
time: The Chaos Project.
- Added October 5, 2000: The
Dread Tower, a new Place for heroes...or
- Added September 22, 2000: Magic
Item Creation for RuneQuest
- Added September 13, 2000: Nothing.
I was just wondering if anybody actually read
this far down. :o)
- Updated September 08, 2000:
- Updated August 27, 2000: Chatter.
Also the Chaos Project and Guestbook design (the
content for those is now self-updating, so check
back often).
- Updated August 11, 2000: The Chaos
Project, Chatter
- Updated August 8, 2000: the
Guestbook, now interactive
- Updated August 7, 2000: Chatter
- Updated July 31, 2000: Chatter
- Added July 27, 2000: Chatter. Also
updated People, Places, and Things.
- Added July 12, 2000: RQ3 character
sheet in Acrobat with built-in forms. Also added
Rack & Rune #2, a zine for about ten years
- Added June 2000: Peasant's
Progress, To Kill A Monster (pre-formatted
- Reborn June 7, 2000, by moving
from TIAC,
The World's Worst ISP,
which has now been completely swallowed up by
megacorporation PSInet (also an incredibly
arrogant and awful service) and digested as a
part of inter.net. (07-17-01: PSINET NOW IN
- Added Friday, September 13, 1999:
Earth's moon goes spinning out of orbit,
magically catapulted through the universe at
speeds apparently far greater than that of light.
Neither the Earth nor the Moon is destroyed by
this event, amazingly. Heard just before the
explosion: "Karloff? That Limey c---sucker
- February 1999: Linear-tracking
RQIII character sheet (Acrobat format), RQIII Aid
sheet (Acrobat).
- Added August 1997: The White Horse
HeroQuest, HeroQuest Skills
- 1996 - ?, lots of unrecorded
- Founded October 18,
1996. I had no idea
what I was doing. The site was a spin-off from
the site I'd created to support my APA, Interregnum,
and used the same webspace.